dns/ddclient: WARNING: file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

O. Hartmann ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jul 9 10:44:54 UTC 2014

Using ddclient on a FreeBSD CURRENT gateway (FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1 r268450: Wed Jul  9
09:59:41 CEST 2014 amd64) fails to update the DNS entry at the dynDNS provider's side
with this error message logged to mail:

WARNING:  file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

This happens now for ~ 4 days. Last automatic update was performed around the 4th July

The subsequent, configured updates result then in the following error message:

WARNING:  file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''
WARNING:  skipping update of all from <nothing> to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
WARNING:   last updated <never> but last attempt on Wed Jul  9 09:12:20 2014 failed.
WARNING:   Wait at least 5 minutes between update attempts.

Checking the file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache indicates an empty ip= tag.

What is wrong?

Please CC me.

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