XFCE oddity ....

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Wed Aug 20 21:55:31 UTC 2014

Don't top-post, please.

"William A. Mahaffey III" <wam at hiwaay.net> writes:
> On 08/20/14 10:48, doug wrote:
>>   set prompt="%B%{\e]2\;%n@%m %l %~%#^g\e]1\;%n@%m^g\r%}%m\:%~%#%b "
> Interesting .... It does indeed work on the title bar & panel marker,
> although I can't find most of it in the man page, especially the
> various control sequences ....

Most of that would come termcap, no? 
It has nothing to do with the shell directly.

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