how to import firefox history from old machine ....

William A. Mahaffey III wam at
Sat Aug 16 16:52:07 UTC 2014

On 08/15/14 12:28, Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:50:43 -0500, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
>> I have 1 more vexing task: I want to import my history data for firefox
>> from my old desktop. Whenever I open the history dialog to do that &
>> select import from HTML, it threatens to overwrite bookmarks, not
>> history data .... FF bug ? Any workarounds ?
> You have the ~/.mozilla/firefox/ subtree to examine. Also
> have a look for import / export functions inside Firefox:
> You probably have been using the function to import the
> history _as bookmarks_, which isn't what you want. So
> maybe it's easier to identify the history file within
> the source subtree and copy it to the destination subtree,
> while Firefox is not running. But sadly I can't tell you
> which file that would exactly be...

It *always* tries to overwrite bookmarks, even when invoked from history 
dialog ....


	William A. Mahaffey III


	"The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
	 ever devised by man."
                            -- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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