it keeps crashing and I don't know why

David Benfell benfell at
Sat Aug 9 07:59:44 UTC 2014

On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 08:58:40PM +0400, Maxim V FIlimonov wrote:
> Well, what we said right is that your issue is a hardware problem.
The outcome of this seems indeed that one of two memory cards has some
sort of catastrophic failure that prevents memtest from completing.
Fortunately, I have more than one memory card, and, fortunately,
FreeBSD is much more efficient with memory than Linux, so I'm back in
full operation with just the one memory card. I'll be okay for the
length of time it takes to exchange the bad one.

Thanks everyone for your help on this.
David Benfell <benfell at>
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