10Gbit NIC

Daniel Feenberg feenberg at nber.org
Wed Aug 6 21:14:52 UTC 2014

On Wed, 6 Aug 2014, Daniel Corbe wrote:

> Anyone have good experience with 10Gbit in FreeBSD?  Have you been able
> to forward at line rate?  What cards give the best performance?
> -Daniel

With 10GBE compatibility has not reached the point where one can worry 
about performance.

We have used HP NC522SFP+ and NC523SFP+ NICs with good result for 10GBE 
over DAC. They work with any DAC cable. We found that we could transfer 
files over NFS at line rate (but those are large packets). We don't know 
if it could pass small packets at line rate.

We have used Chelsio N310 for DAC, but PXE booting would not work with 
non-Chelsio cables, and Chelsio cables are not always available, even from 
Chelsio. Also, NFS seemed to hang from time to time (in Linux).

We did not ever use our Brocade DAC card, we were unable to find a DAC 
cable that was accepted by the NIC at PXE boot time.

We have used Intel X540-T1 with good result for twisted pair. With twisted 
pair the cable is completely standard. Cat 6A and 7 have both worked for 
us. PXE booting worked.

We have never used FO. These experiences are mostly with Linux, but the HP 
and Chelsio cards have been used with FreeBSD for several years.

In the future I expect to purchase only the Intel X540 cards.

Daniel Feenberg

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