Spam to list participants (from &

Olivier Nicole olivier.nicole at
Wed Apr 30 10:57:20 UTC 2014


> Which implies all list members email addresses are exposed
> to the world at large?

They are, at least to all those who subscribe to the list.

> How else would an email address be
> gained by spammers... If that's the case it needs to be changed.

And how would you do that? Mail distributed by the list should not
hold the sender address?

> But back to the idea of a temporary quarantine for new posters,
> here's my thinking...
> . create a procmail filter that directs new posters to
>   an appointed 'list-mom'.
> . list-mom reviews the first two emails that new posters
>   submit looking for BSD related content.
> . obvious offenders (pizza hut anyone?) are given the boot,
>   while legitimate posters are passed on to the list with
>   status now upgraded as legit (removed from the procmail
>   filter).
> Why would this not work?

Because the spam is not being sent by the list, so a person can
subscribe, receive posts, gather mail addresses and send spam from his
own account.

Which is exactly what happens here.


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