
Julian H. Stacey jhs at berklix.com
Thu Apr 24 00:52:00 UTC 2014

Rolf Nielsen wrote: [ trimmed ]

> I had no
> internet connection on my computer

Ouch !

> FreeBSD lazlar.no-ip.biz 10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #1 r264763: Tue

Ah, I missed one, so any of
> /pub/FreeBSD/branches/-current/src/
> /pub/FreeBSD/branches/9.0-stable/src/

Glad you asked about tethering, as I'm planning to get a Samsung Galaxy
Note 3 soon.  ( BTW My brother tethered one to an MS PC, but even with no PC,
he's looking to cut traffic by downgrading Android (URL's welcome) )

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich http://berklix.com
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