KDE4 package for 10.0-RELEASE

Tijl Coosemans tijl at coosemans.org
Fri Apr 18 16:04:27 UTC 2014

On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 10:25:01 -0400 David P. Caldwell wrote:
> (Cross-posting to freebsd-questions and kde-freebsd; not sure whether
> one is incorrect)
> When installing KDE under FreeBSD 9, I used:
> pkg_add -r kde4
> .. and that was basically everything.
> Is there any equivalent for 10.0-RELEASE that is this simple? I see a
> ton of packages but no top-level meta-package or whatever we'd call
> it.

This is caused by the GLES option in x11/kde4-workspace being on by
default.  It requires a newer Xorg.  Can it be turned off for the time

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