FBSD10 Atheros wifi not working

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Thu Apr 17 18:01:11 UTC 2014

.. and unfortunately I've never been able to source the AR9285 variant
you're using. :(


On 17 April 2014 11:00, Adrian Chadd <adrian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> So, try eliminating the whole rc script mess for wpa_supplicant.
> * Don't put ath0/wlan0 in your startup config (rc.conf)
> * Do it manually:
> # ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0
> # wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf &
> see if that's more stable.
> -a
> On 16 April 2014 06:07, Da Rock
> <freebsd-questions at herveybayaustralia.com.au> wrote:
>> On 04/15/14 12:16, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>>> Wait, you don't have this problem on the install image when running from
>>> USB?
>> I thought I had answered this, but it doesn't appear to be showing in the
>> list (but that could just be my dying machine here with a slow email
>> client).
>> Thats the weird part of all this: the install disk could scan for APs and
>> setup the network, but the actual installed system is having a coronary and
>> can't do anything.
>> I've now managed to build a new kernel and install it (with debug), and
>> still no go. I can send the error logs if needed (privately), but I do
>> notice a lot of messages involving more than just the 9285 chipset (5416,
>> 5212) - is this normal?
>> The kernel picks the right product, as the logs show ath0: <Atheros 9285>
>> and 'AR9285E_20 detected'. The errors remain unchanged though. This new
>> kernel also seems to crash quicker (or lock, might be a better term - I need
>> to hold the power button down and reboot for a response). The other gave
>> more time - might be the debug options? This happens despite the sysctls
>> turned off; with them on it turns in seconds rather than around 2-3 minutes.
>> I could speculate further, but I reckon I'd hinder more than help at this
>> point.
>>> -a
>>> On 14 April 2014 04:16, Da Rock
>>> <freebsd-questions at herveybayaustralia.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Finally got the email client working again on the walking dead system :)
>>>> On 04/14/14 13:57, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>> I was hoping you were tuned in. If you can get this thing sorted again
>>>> I'll
>>>> owe you one!
>>>>> You never said exactly what hardware it is Can you include a dmesg of
>>>>> the relevant bits during boot?
>>>> Sorry, that was a bit remiss wasn't it? I had the info to put in too...
>>>> its
>>>> the AR9285 atheros chipset.
>>>> dmesg is a bit harder being on a different system. I'll try and get the
>>>> info
>>>> in order though, at the time I was reading off the scrolling output from
>>>> vt1. The error(s) are repetitive though, so I'll just offer one cycle. It
>>>> doesn't seem to necessarily follow any real order though, from my
>>>> observation.
>>>> ath0: ath_reset_grablock: didn't finish after 10 iterations
>>>> ath0: ath_reset_grablock: warning, recursive reset path!
>>>> ath0: ath_reset: concurrent reset! danger!
>>>> ath0: ath_reset: unable to reset hardware; hal status 14
>>>> ath0: ath_chanset: unable to reset channel <channel>, hal status 14
>>>> ...
>>>> ath0: ath_reset: unable to reset hardware; hal status 14
>>>>> Anything like the above kinda indicates there's some bigger issue going
>>>>> on.
>>>> I can't imagine its a hardware issue as it seems to work with other
>>>> systems
>>>> (like the install memdisk). I thought with the hal debug sysctl being
>>>> available it would offer more info, but it seems it may not even be in
>>>> the
>>>> kernel although there is a sysctl. I tried compiling a new kernel with
>>>> the
>>>> debug options, but the backup battery is not working properly so it
>>>> depends
>>>> on ntpd to set the correct time, and the make requires the correct time
>>>> set;
>>>> so I'll have to address that before I can continue that course.
>>>> Argh! The joys of Murphy and his damned laws!
>>>>> -a
>>>>> On 13 April 2014 17:59, Da Rock
>>>>> <freebsd-questions at herveybayaustralia.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>> The subject line may not be very descriptive, but I'm not sure exactly
>>>>>> where
>>>>>> to point as to the problem. All other similar issues are a few years
>>>>>> old
>>>>>> now, and on 8,9, some 7's.
>>>>>> Long story short I'm just installing 10 (finally) on my laptop, and I
>>>>>> need
>>>>>> to get it back up and running asap as I am swamped in work. I didn't
>>>>>> think
>>>>>> it would be an issue as 9 had a decent working ath driver and I thought
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> could only get better. I'm now emailing using yet another system with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same device on 9, but a dying hdd which obviously also needs a
>>>>>> reinstall
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> new hdd. Wired is no good as we aren't equipped.
>>>>>> So in bsdinstall, all works well and it sets up wifi easily. Reboot
>>>>>> into
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> new system an it has a coronary with messages from ath_reset_grablock,
>>>>>> ath_reset, ath_raw_xmit, ath_chan_set, ath_legacy_rx_tasklet:
>>>>>> ath_reset: concurrent reset! danger!
>>>>>> ath_reset_grablock: didn't finish after 10 iterations
>>>>>> ath_reset_grablock: warning, recursive reset path!
>>>>>> ath_chan_set: concurrent reset! danger!
>>>>>> ath_raw_xmit: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; bailing
>>>>>> ath_legacy_rx_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; bailing
>>>>>> Scanning doesn't work; ath0 says it is associated, but wlan0 says no
>>>>>> channel.
>>>>>> I've set dev.ath.0.hal.debug=1, but there is no ath.0.debug either
>>>>>> under
>>>>>> dev
>>>>>> or hw. I tried compiling the tools but it failed for lack of gcc.
>>>>>> TIA guys, but I am really under the pump here as I thought this would
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> quick up and go now with the pkgng system as well in play. Now I'm up
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> proverbial creek without a paddle.
>>>>>> Cheers
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