[Bulk] Question about XDM

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Sun Apr 13 14:20:28 UTC 2014

On Sun, 13 Apr 2014, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> I'm using Linux and don't care much about my FreeBSD install, however,
> it likely is more or less equal for FreeBSD too.
> There are several ways to start a WM/DE for Linux, the most common ways
> IMO are to use
> ~/.xinitrc
> or much more likely to use an entry in
> /usr/share/xsessions/
> On a Linux mailing list I would ask you to provide more informations,
> but I don't have knowledge about FreeBSD.
> Anyway, I would search the web for FreeBSD + xinitrc and xsessions.
> My apologise, assumed this should be completely bad for FreeBSD.

On FreeBSD, xdm is often used by enabling the entry for ttyv8 in 
/etc/ttys, then adding the window manager start commands in 
the user's .xsession file.

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