Vim, x11 and portmaster
gibblertron at
Sun Apr 13 01:48:22 UTC 2014
The vim-lite port ought to do exactly what you want, but something to
consider as an alternative approach is to use Poudriere to build binary
packages from the ports tree using whatever options you like. There are
some decent articles to look at:
This works really well with the new pkgng system, and it's easy to script
to update and rebuild ports every night so you always have up-to-date
packages ready for you to install. If you have multiple machines that have
different needs (ie. same ports, different options), this is also easy to
do with a single Pourdriere installation. You can even build packages for
different versions of FreeBSD from the same installation. I have an Amazon
EC2 instance that I keep stopped and just fire up any time I need to build
and distribute new packages. At $0.07/hour (only when running), this is a
good option if you don't have any spare hardware to use.
On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Remy van Elst <relst at> wrote:
> Matthew Pherigo schreef op 12/04/14 17:02:
> Hi Remy,
>> Although I can't answer your question as it pertains to portmaster, but I
>> CAN let you know that there's a port called vim-lite, which has no gui by
>> default. Unfortunately, it can't be custom compiled to include any of the
>> other optional modules (like Python support), but I figured I'd let you
>> know just in case this fits your usage model.
> I think I'll try that then, thank you.
> Personally, I think the ports ought to be reversed to be "vim" and
>> "vim-huge", but that's just my opinion.
>> --Matt
>> On Apr 12, 2014, at 3:33 AM, Remy van Elst <relst at> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On FreeBSD-10.0 RELEASE I've got the vim port installed. It is compiled
>>> with the following options:
>>> make WITHOUT_X11=yes NO_GUI=yes LITE=yes install clean
>>> In my /etc/make.conf I have the following:
>>> WITHOUT_X11=yes
>>> Now, when using portmaster to upgrade all my ports (portmaster -a), if
>>> vim has an update, it wants to install a whole load of x11 ports:
>>> ===>>> All >> (75)
>>> ===>>> The following actions will be taken if you choose to proceed:
>>> Upgrade subversion-1.8.8_1 to subversion-1.8.8_2
>>> Upgrade vim-lite-7.4.240 to vim-7.4.253
>>> Install accessibility/atk
>>> Install devel/glib20
>>> Install devel/gobject-introspection
>>> Install graphics/cairo
>>> Install x11-fonts/fontconfig
>>> Install x11/pixman
>>> Install devel/xorg-macros
>>> Install x11/xcb-util-renderutil
>>> Install x11/libxcb
>>> Install devel/libcheck
>>> Install devel/libpthread-stubs
>>> Install x11/libXau
>>> Install x11/xproto
>>> Install x11/libXdmcp
>>> Install x11/xcb-proto
>>> Install x11/xcb-util
>>> Install misc/gnomehier
>>> Install devel/cscope
>>> Install devel/ctags
>>> Install devel/patch
>>> Install lang/lua52
>>> Install lang/tcl86
>>> Install textproc/intltool
>>> Install x11-toolkits/gtk20
>>> Install graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
>>> Install x11-toolkits/libXt
>>> Install x11/kbproto
>>> Install x11/libSM
>>> Install x11/libICE
>>> Install x11/xtrans
>>> Install x11/libX11
>>> Install x11-fonts/xf86bigfontproto
>>> Install x11/bigreqsproto
>>> Install x11/inputproto
>>> Install x11/xcmiscproto
>>> Install x11/xextproto
>>> Install x11/libXi
>>> Install x11/libXext
>>> Install x11/libXfixes
>>> Install x11/fixesproto
>>> Install graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
>>> Install misc/hicolor-icon-theme
>>> Install misc/shared-mime-info
>>> Install x11-toolkits/pango
>>> Install print/harfbuzz
>>> Install devel/icu
>>> Install graphics/graphite2
>>> Install x11-fonts/encodings
>>> Install x11-fonts/bdftopcf
>>> Install x11-fonts/libXfont
>>> Install x11-fonts/fontsproto
>>> Install x11-fonts/libfontenc
>>> Install x11-fonts/font-util
>>> Install x11-fonts/mkfontscale
>>> Install x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype
>>> Install x11-fonts/dejavu
>>> Install x11-fonts/mkfontdir
>>> Install x11-fonts/font-bh-ttf
>>> Install x11-fonts/font-misc-ethiopic
>>> Install x11-fonts/font-misc-meltho
>>> Install x11/libXcomposite
>>> Install x11/compositeproto
>>> Install x11/libXcursor
>>> Install x11/libXrender
>>> Install x11/renderproto
>>> Install x11/libXdamage
>>> Install x11/damageproto
>>> Install x11/libXinerama
>>> Install x11/xineramaproto
>>> Install x11/libXrandr
>>> Install x11/randrproto
>>> Install print/cups-client
>>> Install x11/libXpm
>>> ===>>> Proceed? y/n [y] n
>>> If I however first manually upgrade vim:
>>> make WITHOUT_X11=yes NO_GUI=yes LITE=yes reinstall clean
>>> and then upgrade with portmaster, it does not want those packages:
>>> ===>>> All >> (1)
>>> ===>>> The following actions will be taken if you choose to proceed:
>>> Upgrade subversion-1.8.8_1 to subversion-1.8.8_2
>>> ===>>> Proceed? y/n [y] y
>>> How can I make those vim compile options also work with portmaster? I
>>> don't want to manually upgrade the vim port first...
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