Old GPT/GELI disk issue

RW rwmaillists at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 18 11:44:26 UTC 2013

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:22:30 -0400
Andre Goree wrote:

> Hey list,
> I have a disk that was at one time part of a GPT/GELI configuration
> and thus, had a passphrase attached to it.
> I've since reformatted that disk and am using it for another purpose, 
> but the system still appears to think the disk should be unlocked via 
> passphrase.  I always have to enter some arbitrary passphrase to get 
> past the prompt, after which the system continues to boot as normal.
> I thought all I would need to do is comment the corresponding parts
> in /boot/loader.conf, but that doesn't appear to be the case.  Anyone
> have any insight?

geli metadata is stored in the last sector of the provider which wont
get overwritten by newfs or similar.

I guess you need to run geli clear on it.

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