Remove duplicate images
Fri Oct 25 05:42:26 UTC 2013
owner-freebsd-questions at wrote on 25.10.2013 07:58:38:
> From:
> Olivier Nicole <olivier.nicole at>
> To:
> Gary Kline <kline at>,
> Cc:
> Olivier Nicole <on at>, "freebsd-questions at"
> <freebsd-questions at>
> Date:
> 25.10.2013 07:59
> Subject:
> Re: Remove duplicate images
> Sent by:
> owner-freebsd-questions at
> Gary,
> >> Does it exist a tool in the ports that can help removing the
> >> images in a directory?
> > how about usinf "find" to locate the file? it has a builtin
> > syntax. if not, then
> >
> > find -name "imagefile"|xargs rm
> >
> > might would.
> Thanks, I am looking for something a bit more sophisticated, that can
> find images that have been resized, rotated, gone through some
> transformations, changed format (gif to png), etc.
> Find is a bit too simple for that purpose.
> Best regards,
> Olivier
Altering image and performing transformation on it produces a complete
different binary file and if there is no metadata attached to the image I
think it is not possible for a software to determine if the images are the
same. At least not without some hardware and software, used by the top
spying agencies over the world.
Depending on the software used for image transformation there may be some
kind of system information (metadata) which you can locate in each image
and compare. Hope that helps you.
Ivailo Tanusheff
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