5Ghz WLan USB Stick recommendation?

Erich Dollansky erich at alogt.com
Mon Nov 4 01:15:23 UTC 2013


On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:12:20 +0100
Martin Laabs <mailinglists at martinlaabs.de> wrote:

> can someone recommend me a current available USB WLan stick with 5GHz
> support? In my flat there are so many 2.4GHz Wlans nearby that I reach
> only about 100kbit/s even 2m from my access point.
> Since my AP already supports 5GHz Wlan I search a stick for my
> FreeBSD-9 powered laptop. (So I would prefer a very small one even if
> the antenna is not as effective as the antenna in bigger sticks.)

I have only a built-in solution.

One other question. Why don't you use a cable when you are so close? I
have always a cable plugged in on the access point. When I come closer,
I switch to the cable.


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