Saving scanned document

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Wed Jul 24 15:22:48 UTC 2013

Jerry <jerry at> writes:

> On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:50:00 -0400
> Lowell Gilbert articulated:
>> Jerry <jerry at> writes:
>> > Does anyone know of a way of getting the scanner to "see" the
>> > FreeBSD machine and saving a file to it?
>> I'm not sure I correctly understand your intention, but maybe Samba is
>> what you're looking for?
> Samba is working fine and all of the other computers on the network
> can see each other and the printer/scanner. The problem is that the
> scanner does not see the FreeBSD machine.

I'm going to make some guesses here, because your information is still
sketchy. Specifically, I'm assuming that you have Samba running on the
FreeBSD machine, and that the other (Windows) computers can write files
to the Samba shares on the FreeBSD machine, but that some kind of GUI
comes up when you scan, and offers Windows machines as possible
destination, but doesn't offer the FreeBSD machine.

Assuming all of that is correct, this is a Samba-tuning question, and
you may need a Samba expert. But first you can check whether the
machines agree on the master browser, and whether there's an Active
Directory lookup occurring in each (Windows machine vs. printer-scanner)
case. Are these hosts all on the same IP subnet?

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