to gmirror or to ZFS

Charles Swiger cswiger at
Tue Jul 16 19:09:01 UTC 2013


On Jul 16, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Johan Hendriks <joh.hendriks at> wrote:
[ ... ]
> I would us a zfs for the os.
> I have a couple of servers that did not survive a power failure with
> gmirror.
> The problems i had was when the power failed one disk was in a rebuilding
> state and then when the background fsck started or was busy for some time
> it would crash the whole server.

Well, "don't do that".  :-)

Seriously, bring up the box on one disk, force a foreground fsck if needed
to get the filesystem to known clean state, and then rebuild the mirror.
Mixing the mirror rebuild with something like an fsck will just thrash the disks.

[ ... ]
> Before people tell me to use an UPS, i used a UPS but the damn thing gave
> way itself.  Then after it came back from the warranty repair it gave way again.

Grr.  That's when you want find another UPS vendor.


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