Sharing a mail folder between Linux and FreeBSD

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Fri Jan 25 07:33:02 UTC 2013

On Fri, 2013-01-25 at 08:03 +0100, Polytropon wrote:
> You should have been reading my advice about changing the
> UID:GID in detail. :-)

I deleted it by accident from the until now _not_ shared mails, IOW I
deleted it from the FreeBSD mails only and missed it, when having a
brief look at the mailing list archive.

> UIDs and GIDs should match here. All files belonging to rocketmouse
> should be 1000:1000 _and_ the name "rocketmouse" should be
> associated to those numerical values (see files mentioned
> above).

Yes, but because I missed to update the database X login asked for 1001.

> But pwd.db and spwd.db (the password databases with encrypted
> content) don't reflect those informations!

So '# /usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb -d/etc /etc/master.passwd' is ok, regarding
to ...

> "man pwd_mkdb" and rebuild
> the databases.

-c and -u switches could be used too, but aren't needed, since the
entries are correct.

> If you would have used the "vipw" command to make the change
> to the passwd (plain text) files, it would have called pwd_mkdb
> after the change. But don't worry: Knowing those "low level hacks"
> can be helpful in some worst-case scenario. :-)

And then I don't need to use vi, if the default text editor still should
be vi.

Thank you!


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