FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE w/ SanDisk ImageMate S11202

Fbsd8 fbsd8 at
Sat Jan 19 14:09:55 UTC 2013

Waitman Gobble wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Waitman Gobble <gobble.wa at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a PCI Express card with VIA VL800 chipset which seems to work OK
>> with a Seagate drive, so I presume the interface is working.
>> If I boot with a SanDisk ImageMate S11202 plugged into the USB 3.0 card,
>> the display shows messages about the SanDisk device, appears to properly
>> identify it, and with like 'querying ...' slots on the card reader, which
>> all fail - (there are no cards in the reader). Then the machine sails into
>> outerspace, kind of just sits there until (perhaps) the end of time, or
>> until I kill the power. It never gets the network interface up, so no ssh.
>> It would be great to be able to paste the log here but when I reboot there
>> is nothing about the activity in the log, it's like the entire boot process
>> never happened.
>> Anyone have any experience with this card reader? I appreciate any
>> suggestions or tips.
>> Below is pertinent system information.
>> Thank you,
>> # uname -a
>> FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1 r245537:
>> Thu Jan 17 22:10:56 PST 2013     root at
>> amd64
>> kernel built with:
>> device        ahci        # AHCI-compatible SATA controllers
>> device        uhci        # UHCI PCI->USB interface
>> device        ohci        # OHCI PCI->USB interface
>> device        ehci        # EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)
>> device        xhci        # XHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 3.0)
>> pciconf output:
>> xhci0 at pci0:2:0:0:    class=0x0c0330 card=0x34321106 chip=0x34321106
>> rev=0x03 hdr=0x00
>>     vendor     = 'VIA Technologies, Inc.'
>>     class      = serial bus
>>     subclass   = USB
>> interesting log entries:
>> Jan 17 23:10:48 kamira kernel: usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
>> Jan 17 23:11:32 kamira kernel: ugen0.3: <Seagate> at usbus0
>> Jan 17 23:11:32 kamira kernel: umass1: <Seagate FA GoFlex Desk, class 0/0,
>> rev 3.00/1.00, addr 2> on usbus0
>> Jan 17 23:11:32 kamira kernel: da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus6 target 0 lun
>> 0
>> Jan 17 23:11:32 kamira kernel: da1: <Seagate FA GoFlex Desk 0D0B> Fixed
>> Direct Access SCSI-0 device
>> Jan 17 23:11:32 kamira kernel: da1: 400.000MB/s transfers
>> Jan 17 23:11:32 kamira kernel: da1: 2861588MB (732566645 4096 byte
>> sectors: 255H 63S/T 45600C)
>> --
>> Waitman Gobble
>> San Jose California USA
>> 510-830-7975
> After experimenting a bit,
> A follow up, when I plug the device in after booting it's no problem.
> nothing bad happens.
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: ugen0.4 (: <SanDisk> at usbus0
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: umass2: <Bulk-In, Bulk-Out, Interface> on
> usbus0
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: umass2:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x4000
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: umass2:7:2:-1: Attached to scbus7
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da2 at umass-sim2 bus 2 scbus7 target 0 lun 0
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da2: <SanDisk uSD SDDR-289 1.00> Removable
> Direct Access SCSI-0 device
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da2: 400.000MB/s transfers
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da2: Attempt to query device size failed:
> NOT READY, Medium not present
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da3 at umass-sim2 bus 2 scbus7 target 0 lun 1
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da3: <SanDisk MS SDDR-289 1.00> Removable
> Direct Access SCSI-0 device
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da3: 400.000MB/s transfers
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da3: Attempt to query device size failed:
> NOT READY, Medium not present
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da4 at umass-sim2 bus 2 scbus7 target 0 lun 2
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da4: <SanDisk SD SDDR-289 1.00> Removable
> Direct Access SCSI-0 device
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da4: 400.000MB/s transfers
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da4: Attempt to query device size failed:
> NOT READY, Medium not present
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da5 at umass-sim2 bus 2 scbus7 target 0 lun 3
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da5: <SanDisk CF SDDR-289 1.00> Removable
> Direct Access SCSI-0 device
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da5: 400.000MB/s transfers
> Jan 18 20:58:20 kamira kernel: da5: Attempt to query device size failed:
> NOT READY, Medium not present
> when i do a shutdown now, it takes 9:51-9:57 about 6 minutes to disappear
> from ping and shut down, then it finally comes back up 10:12, so 15
> minutes.
> So reboot = 21 minutes.
> While it's not the end of time scenario, something is hanging up this
> machine on boot up and shutdown, with that device...
> If anyone has a pointer or suggestion I totally appreciate it! definitely
> need this machine to boot/shutdown much faster!
> Thank you,

I did google lookup on SanDisk uSD SDDR-289, this is a external 4 slot 
sd card reader that is usb 3 ready and usb 2 compatible.

If I understand your post above correctly you can boot your Freebsd 
system from internal disk or from external usb disk with this external 
sd card reader plugged in but empty of sd memory cards.

The problem is you want to boot off of a sd memory card you have plugged 
into the external sd card reader. And when you do it takes for ever to 
boot up.

When you plug in your sd memory card, Freebsd reads this info from it.
<SanDisk uSD SDDR-289 1.00> If I remember correctly the 1.00 is the usb 
standard that card was designed to work with.

Since your external 4 slot sd card reader is usb3 ready and usb2 
compatible and the sd memory card is usb1 ready, this may be causing 
some internal time-out delay condition.

Recommend you purchase a sd memory card that is usb3 ready and test again.

Another test I would do is boot off of a usb2 or usb3 memory stick
while leaving the external 4 slot sd card reader plugged in but empty
of sd memory cards. Try booting the usb memory stick from your PCI 
Express card that adds usb3 hardware support and also try booting it 
from the motherboard usb sockets. Also try the above with the external 4 
slot sd card reader unplugged.

Good luck.

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