Renumber users and groups

Mark Felder feld at
Wed Aug 21 16:36:14 UTC 2013

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013, at 11:12, Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> On 21/08/2013 13:36, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On my system legacy users come with UID starting from 200 upward, and
> > all users come with GID lower that 100.
> >
> > I know it's not a good idea, but consider that some accounts are over 20
> > years old!
> >
> > This is not too much a problem with FreeBSD as I can renumber the few
> > FreeBSD services that have a conflicting ID.
> >
> > But now I want to share the user directories with Mac (10.6). On Mac,
> > any id lower than 512 should be reserved for the system.
> >
> > I tried to renumber the conflicting services on Mac OS, but it messes up
> > the system.
> >
> > So I should renumber my users; it's not very difficult to do, but I have
> > over 1TB of user files for 200 users.
> >
> > Is there a clever/fast way to do that (other than find -exec chown)?
> >
> > What pitfall should I avoid?
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Olivier
> Both tar and rsync are spectacularly clever about this. I've never 
> needed to renumber users, but I've noticed tar will restore a backup 
> across hosts and try to resolve user names correctly. tar stores users 
> and groups symbolically and will happily extract them to the correct 
> numerical ID on the new host. All you need do, therefore, is merge the 
> passwd and group files without conflict and "untar" everything. If 
> you've got to do this in-place it's not going to work, but as you'd be 
> wise to make a backup anyway you may as well make a copy instead, and 
> let it convert them on the fly. rsync seems to pull the same trick.

Those solutions sound pretty handy if I need to move the files at the
same time. mtree should do this in-place with minimal fuss as it's just
confirming permissions and ownership on all files.

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