Mouse Trails?

Walter Hurry walterhurry at
Sat Aug 17 16:14:54 UTC 2013

On Sat, 17 Aug 2013 17:31:26 +0200, Polytropon wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Aug 2013 09:07:20 +0000 (UTC), Walter Hurry wrote:
>> My sight is deteriorating. I can still see and read the screen, but
>> sometimes locating the mouse pointer (LXDE here) is difficult.
> If LXDE uses an ugly white mouse cursor, try changing it to black (the
> normal color for mouse cursors on all serious GUI systems). The
> classical way of solving the "where is the mouse cursor" problem is to
> install xeyes. :-)
>> Is there a port which will give me mouse trails when the rodent is
>> moved?
> This is usually done by the means of the desktop environment's mouse
> configuration, but if I remember correctly, LXDE does not offer this.
> Additional software like Compiz could help you here: There seems to be a
> plugin that adds a mouse trail.

Thanks once again, Polytropon. The mouse pointer is indeed black.

LXDE only offers three mouse config options: acceleration, sensitivity 
and handedness (swap buttons).

I am reluctant to install Compiz, but xeyes looks to be just the ticket!

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