have desktop on freebsd

saeedeh motlagh saeedeh.motlagh at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 06:25:49 UTC 2012

thanks Sean, no X doesn't work correctly for me.

thanks Brian, but this freebsd box is my develop system and i have to
work with it and no other OS.

thanks Michael, i compiled X11 and Gnome from ports.

I'm thinking to install everything from the beginning if i can not fix
it in two days.

thank you every body for your answers

On 9/22/12, Michael L. Squires <mikes at siralan.org> wrote:
> I've always installed everything from the CD - choosing one of the
> install options that installs the base, sources, X11, Gnome or
> KDE, and then let the install program walk me through the X11 setup.
> This installs the startup files correctly for your system.
> Did you install the base 8.2 and then install X11 and Gnome from ports, or
> did you compile it from ports?  That procedure hasn't worked for me.
> You will need to know what specific video hardware you have so you can
> choose the right video driver.
> I've also had problems with video boards which were not yet supported by
> Xorg.
> Mike Squires

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