Problems with ssl certs

Paul Schmehl pschmehl_lists at
Tue Sep 18 00:13:14 UTC 2012

I'm setting up a new server and plan on migrating a Wordpress blog to it. 
Right now the server does not resolve with DNS, because the server I'm 
migrating from is still up and running.  (I'm in the setup and configure 

I've got Wordpress installed and working with apache22, mysql 5.4, php 5.5 
and suphp.  I've migrated some of the blog over and installed some plugins 
I need.

One of the plugins is the Wordpress jetpack.  I can't figure out how to get 
this plugin to active.

This is the error message I'm getting:

Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: 

Error Details: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site 
[IXR -32300: transport error: http_request_failed SSL certificate problem, 
verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL 
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed]

I assume this is a problem with the site's self-signed cert not verifying 
through curl.  I cat'd the cert into the ca-certfile, but it still doesn't 
work, so maybe I'm wrong.

Here's the path for the ca file:
# curl-config --ca

I cat'd both the site's cert and the Jetpack site's cert into the 
ca-root-nss.crt file.  I think Jetpack is using php-curl.  I have the 
php-curl extension installed.

Is there a way to get this self-signed cert working?  Or am I going to have 
to buy a cert?

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
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