"Cloud" software ?

Michelle Konzack bsd4michelle at tamay-dogan.net
Fri May 25 14:37:25 UTC 2012

Hello Frank,

Am 2012-05-25 10:11:21, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> Hello
> I'm searching for a "cloud software" :-)

LOL  :-P  :-D

> More precisely we would like to offer to our students and professors
> a kind of private cloud to access/manipulate  their personnal data
> from almost anywhere and with almost any devices ...
> ( Personnal PC, Mac, smartphones   and tablets ... etc )

I do storage and database services since 1999  and  run  currently  more
then 400 servers in 6 locations.

When some years ago peoples startinfg talking about "cloud computing"  I
was puzzeling arround what they mean with it...

Realy, - I understood nothing.

What they have defined as "Cloud Computing" I have used already for more
then 10 years.

Or do they mean with "cloud computing" adding new interfaces to  a  huge
storage server with an "office webinterface" ?

What I am adding to my service is an access for smartphones and tablets.

Something like image galleries (private, groups, public, shared,  ACLs),
Video Interface (works  like  YouTube  or  even  private  streaming)  is
already since several years...

Yeah, what I am missing is a Web-Version of OpenOffice  or  LibreOffice,
which let users read, create and edit documents...  But there is already
work in progress.

So, what does "Cloud Computing" realy mean?

Something like a clustered hyperspeedy calculator?  Yes you can  get  if
from me.  The system use unused capacities of my 400 servers plus a self
made BladeServer with 256 CPUs (currently only 64 inserted because they
are quiet expensive)

> Anyone could help ?

Not realy  ;-)  becaue it depends, what you undertsnd under

    Cloud Systems / Cloud Computing / Cloud Networking 

> Thank you

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ######################
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
               Internet Service Provider, Cloud Computing

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