problem with dhclient after update to FreeBSD-8.3

Carmel carmel_ny at
Sun May 6 12:09:56 UTC 2012

On Sun, 6 May 2012 04:25:52 -0600 (MDT)
Warren Block articulated:

>On Sun, 6 May 2012, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> On 05/05/2012 19:30, Carmel wrote:
>>> All I guess I really have to get corrected is the "dhclient" thing,
>>> assuming it is a real problem and just not some useless noise.
>> The 'dhclient already running' message is untidy, but harmless.  It's
>> the rc system refusing to start a duplicate dhclient process on some
>> interface.  As your network interface is via a PCI  device, I can't
>> see why devd would think it should try and restart dhclient for it.
> may be relevant. 
>It's on 9-stable, I haven't compared with 8.3.

Warren, I posted an addendum to that PR to indicate that the behavior
is also occurring on "8.3" systems as well. Do you think it would be
prudent to open a new PR with my info since it concerns FreeBSD-8.3
STABLE and not the "9.0" branch? I was also wondering if anyone other
than myself is seeing this phenomenon on the "8.3" version.

Carmel ✌
carmel_ny at

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