Vivaldi Tablet

Gary Kline kline at
Wed Mar 28 00:21:46 UTC 2012

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 04:26:29PM -0700, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 16:26:29 -0700
> From: Chuck Swiger <cswiger at>
> Subject: Re: Vivaldi Tablet
> To: Gary Kline <kline at>
> Cc: FreeBSD - <freebsd-questions at>
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1084)
> On Mar 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 	you guys have any thoughts about a tiny {7"} keyboard
> > 	plugin?  i'm wondering if my VBC project might work with
> > 	this tablet.  i've never seen a keyboard that small.  nice
> > 	tablet, tho.
> 7" is too small for a QUERTY just can't do that without 11-12" of space.  There have been folks working on one-handed "chord" keyboards which might fit into that space, but they have a steep learning curve.
> Regards,
> -- 
> -Chuck

	how about the eee-701s?  they are no mo' but used to have a
	70% of full size keyboard.  my eee-900A had All the std
	keys.  do we really need the F[n] keys?

	anyway, if not a  tiny kybd, maybe a small one.  
	Another thought: isnt there a rubber keyboard that rolls up
	or folds in half?  IIRC, the keys do compress [about one
	and with the heavy THUNK sound:: hey.

	anyway/nutshell, i do like this vivaldi tablet.  =if= it had
	a thunkable and real keybd.


	PS critical note.  am i mis-remembering, or did someone say
	that eee//ASUS was going to make a *quality* ten inch
	netbook?  my VBC WOUld work seriously well on that.

 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
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