GSOC 2012 interest

prankur gupta prankur.07 at
Mon Mar 26 12:06:54 UTC 2012


Currently I am in my first year of Masters in Computer Science from SUNY,
New York.

I want to participate in GSOC 2012. I am new to the open source development
arena, so what better place than GSOC to start with.

So, I was going through the projects list offered by freebsd. In that list,
I am interested in developing "Automated kernel crash reporting system".

The reason for my interest is that I am studying OS in my current semester
and I have done a lot of work on kernel level. Apart from this I have a
good knowledge of C and have hands on html and sql. Also I have done a
course on cryptography. So, this project seems appropriate for my start.

So, I wanted to know is the project already in progress or its a new one.
And any more information about the project will be very helpful.

I am really interested in this project, so it would be very kind if you
could share more details on the project and requirements so that I can work
on them from now only and develop a good proposal.

Thanks and regards.


Masters Student (CSE)
State University of New York
Stony Brook University

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