Making Music / Video folders on FreeBSD visible on HD TV

Arthur Chance freebsd at
Wed Mar 14 10:26:45 UTC 2012

On 03/13/12 19:54, Carmel wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 13:59:45 -0500
> Adam Vande More articulated:
>> Are you sure these devices aren't trying to connect to a DLNA
>> server?  Such need can be met by net/mediatomb or other port.
> A couple of people have replied to this thread. The Samba shares are
> configured correctly and are visible on my Windows based PCs. I have no
> idea if the TVs are using DLNA. I never had to configure anything,
> other than sharing the folders, on my Microsoft PCs, so am I to assume
> that DLNA is always available on that OS? Anyway, I will try your
> suggestion.

I have a Sony networked TV, and it definitely needs a DLNA server and is 
very picky about what formats are served. I'm not a Windows user but I 
have the impression Home or Home Premium versions of Vista/Win7 have 
DLNA support built in.

Alexander Leidinger has written a couple of blog posts on getting Sony 
TVs working with FBSD. Take a look at this and the related posts:

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