umount device busy
freebsd at
Mon Jun 4 03:05:39 UTC 2012
On Sun, 03 Jun 2012 20:28:28 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
> > Consider NTFS being part of the problem, i. e. problems with the
> > _ntfs file system driver provided by the OS (as it seems you're
> > not using FUSE tools here - there are "fusefs-ntfs" and "ntfsprogs"
> > in the ports collection which may provide a functionality the
> > base system is missing here).
> may try that but will probably decide to use two different drives
> for removable backup, one for windoze and one for fbsd.
Good idea. However, you can do efficient backups of "Windows"
data by using the "ntfsprogs" tools. This makes sure they can
even be read under non-"Windows" systems.
> > if you are using xfce4, then you have most likely got gamin
> > running as well, this caused the same problem for me when
> > trying to umount an external USB drive
> gamin *is* installed, and I did have the file browser up and
> using it to look at the ntfs disk. I thought it might be
> holding a file open, so first I backed it out to something
> not on the ntfs disk, then exited it. Made no difference.
Maybe the ganim "lock" is regarding a device file? Not sure
about that, I'm not using it here.
> In any case, the mount was done after X was started, and switching
> vtys crashes X so I don't do that.
That sounds a bit wrong...
> >> 4. lsof has a *long* man page, so I'd like to save it temporarily
> >> so I can search it in an editor. If I do man lsof>temp.tmp
> >> the output contains backspace sequences which screw up searching.
> >> How do I get man to produce plain text without the control sequences?
> >
> > You can use less's search (key "/") when using the "man lsof"
> > command. You can also use a PDF viewer (including text search
> > functionality) so you can keep the formatting details.
> >
> > The following command does the trick:
> >
> > zcat `man -w lsof` | groff -Tps -dpaper=a4 -P-pa4 -mandoc | ps2pdf - /tmp/man_1_lsof.pdf
> >
> > To convert to pure text, use -Tascii or -Tlatin1; however, this
> > renders to pure text without keeping the formatting intact.
> Thanks. I get a
> grops: can't open file `a4` but I'll deal with that later.
That's just for formatting the paper format (ISO A4 here). You
can omit those options, the default format (in your case I assume
it will be letter) will be selected.
> > man -t lsof | sp2ascii > savefile.txt
> Where'd you get/find sp2ascii? I don't see one anywhere, not even on google.
> (Except this thread...) Secret weapon?
Typo maybe? A command like "ps2ascii" sounds more reasonable if
we consider PS being the output format. The command
% man -t lsof | ps2ascii > man_1_lsof.txt
works as intended. The only remaining control character is ^L,
means "page break" (for "form feed" to be precise).
> > 6. And finally, any idea why umount says the device is busy?
> > You could use "umount -f" to force it, but that may result in
> > files missing.
> hope not, but not a heck of a lot of choices at this point.
> Since I didn't do squat because of the failed mkdir, seems hopeful.
You can always call the command
% sync
to request writing any pending buffers; however, the system
will decide when the actual writes to the media will happen. :-)
> I've mounted them ro a number of times, but never tried writing before.
In that case, using "fuse-ntfs" seems to be the better choice
as the NTFS support of the base system is considered "good
enough for r/o".
> > something that *might* be helpful to you, it's a basic little man page
> > browser in Qt
> > left side of the pane shows a treeview of filesystem, so you can navigate
> > /bin, /usr/bin, etc.. when you click on a file it looks for the
> > corresponding man page and shows it on the right pane formatted html, which
> > is a webkit panel.
> >
> >
> >
> > it is intended as a way to quickly look at what's installed on your system
> > and possibly 'discover' and learn about previously 'unknown' commands.
> Thanks.
There's also a traditional way: xman. You can use it like
% xman -bothshown
then select "Manual Page" and then select a command from
the directory on top. It's quite simple, but renders fast.
Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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