Using ports and packages together (or, how do I get mod_php5 ? )

Brandon Kuczenski brandon at
Mon Sep 19 19:11:30 UTC 2011


I'm running RELENG_8_2 and I've been using packages instead of ports for 
most things, because they're so much quicker.  But certain packages aren't 
compiled the way I need them to be-- postfix had no TLS or SASL support, 
for example, so I built it from the port.

However, that is beginning to lead to some dependency issues.  When 
attempting to build php5 in order to obtain the apache module (see: 
)  Portinstall informs that libtool-2.2.10 (from the release package) is 
too old, that I need to upgrade to libtool 2.4 (which is available from 
the port).

I'm concerned that, if I have some packages built from ports and some 
installed from the release, that the system will become unstable if things 
get too out of sync.

Am I incorrect? i.e. should I just go ahead and install libtool 2.4 from 
the port?  I don't see this discussed explicitly in the handbook.

Thanks in advance,

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