FreeBSD 8.2 Partition Sizing question

Jonathan Vomacka juvix88 at
Thu Sep 15 15:37:15 UTC 2011

Thanks again Matthew

On 9/14/2011 2:55 PM, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 14/09/2011 19:31, Chuck Swiger wrote:
>> On Sep 14, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Jonathan Vomacka wrote:
>>>> In regards to partitioning, I have a question regarding a "rumor"
>>>> that has been told to me by various different linux experts, and
>>>> I wanted to confirm if this also takes place with FreeBSD Unix.
>>>> In the past, I have always had the root filesystem (/) and the
>>>> /usr filesystem all on seperate partitions. I was told that
>>>> having /usr on a seperate partition is an "old" way of doing
>>>> things and actually causes issues when /usr is mounted separately
>>>> from root (/). Does this play true in FreeBSD or is that thought
>>>> process nonsense? I was told to create a larger root filesystem
>>>> and NOT create usr seperately as /usr will mount off the root
>>>> filesystem anyway. Will there be any issues by having /usr on a
>>>> separate partition then root? I will like to know any opinions on
>>>> this, as well as suggestions based on how other FreeBSD guru's
>>>> have their server setups.
>> There is nothing wrong with having / and /usr on separate partitions;
>> in fact, there are some mild advantages to fine-grained partitioning
>> for folks who pay attention to their filesystem space usage.
>> However, there is nothing wrong with a single root partition (well,
>> and swap partition), either.
> Use ZFS and you can put / and /usr on different filesystems (zfses),
> without any need to worry about not having made any of those filesystems
> big enough.  (Since all the free space is held in common for all of the
> zfses on the same zpool.) The best of both worlds.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew

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