Thinkpad audio question

William Bulley web at
Wed Sep 14 14:48:59 UTC 2011

According to Daniel Staal <DStaal at> on Wed, 09/14/11 at 10:20:
> Quick thought: What versions of the BIOS are each of you running?

Can't speak for him, but here is the output from biosdecode(8):

thinkpad% biosdecode | m
# biosdecode 2.10
VPD present.
        BIOS Build ID: 6FET66WW 
        Box Serial Number: R8XYZ03
        Motherboard Serial Number: VQ0VP98J5WA
        Machine Type/Model: 2081CTO
SMBIOS 2.4 present.
        Structure Table Length: 2627 bytes
        Structure Table Address: 0x000E0010
        Number Of Structures: 74
        Maximum Structure Size: 120 bytes
BIOS32 Service Directory present.
        Revision: 0
        Calling Interface Address: 0x000FDC80
ACPI 2.0 present.
        OEM Identifier: LENOVO
        RSD Table 32-bit Address: 0x7CB6A207
        XSD Table 64-bit Address: 0x000000007CB6A273
PNP BIOS 1.0 present.
        Event Notification: Not Supported
        Real Mode 16-bit Code Address: E192:1920
        Real Mode 16-bit Data Address: 0040:0000
        16-bit Protected Mode Code Address: 0x000F8AD7
        16-bit Protected Mode Data Address: 0x00000400

I don't know what to make of all this.  I hope this answers
your above question.  :-)



William Bulley                     Email: web at

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