returning to 8.2 from 9.0

Fbsd8 fbsd8 at
Sat Sep 10 22:55:32 UTC 2011

Johan Hendriks wrote:
> Fbsd8 schreef:
>> Johan Hendriks wrote:
>>> Fbsd8 schreef:
>>>> Have test pc. Been running 8.2 just fine. Installed 9.0 from cd and 
>>>> after playing around tried to reinstall 8.2. Got error about GTP 
>>>> table while trying to setup the HD. Used 8.0 livecd to
>>>> "dd if=/del/zero of=/dev/ad0 count=5 to wipe the start of the HD clean.
>>>> Now 8.2 install issues this msg
>>>> GEOM: ad0: the primary GPT table is corrupt or invalid.
>>>> How do I fix the HD so 8.2 will install?
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>>> maybe this little script helps you.
>>> It helped me in several situations.
>>> If that does not do the job, you could try dban disknuke that will 
>>> wipe the disk completely
>>> regards,
>>> Johan Hendriks
>> diskinfo da0
>> says Device not configured
>> I all ready did  "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 count=2 to wipe the 
>> front of the disk.
> i now see two different things?
> dd if=/del/zero of=/dev/ad0 count=5
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 count=2
> first your disk is adx and the second time it is dax
> Make sure you use the right disk.
> There is also a part add the end of the disk that needs to be wiped, not 
> only the start of the disk.
> regards,
> Johan Hendriks

Thanks that little script at

did the trick.

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