somewhat Off topic, Sendmail Issue

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Wed Oct 12 17:36:50 UTC 2011


On Oct 12, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Dean E. Weimer wrote:
> I know that setting this option in Apache does the trick for HTTPS, I just need to figure out how to tell Sendmail to do the same.
> If anyone has any idea how to do this, or any idea on what keywords to search on that might find me the directions it would be a great help.

If you can't find a way of specifying the allowed SSL ciphers via sendmail config (as someone mentioned, you can test ${cipher_bits} against ENCR:bits, but that doesn't disable anonymous ciphers like ADH entirely), you can build a modern flavor of OpenSSL to /usr/local with the ciphers you don't like disabled, and rebuild sendmail against this OpenSSL.

I believe that the security/openssl already does most of this for you, and would be easy to tweak a bit more if that's needed.


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