updating 8.1 release

Michael Powell nightrecon at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 3 09:21:04 UTC 2011

wayne mitchell wrote:

> hey
> just tried to update a system using 'csup'
> current system is: 8.1 RELEASE on a amd machine (amd64 GENERIC kernel)
> tried downloading the CURRENT branch ( tag=. )
> when running "make buildworld"
> get an exit with error at /usr/lib/libmagic
> system gives various warnings about unknown file types and incorrect
> variable bounds
> then exits with error 1 - 'cannot find any magic files'
> tried this again with ( tag=RELENG_8 ) - exact same problem
> tried this again with  ( tag=RELENG_8.2 ) - exact same problem
> also tried "make buildworld" in multi-user -and- single-user
> where should i expect to find any magic files on the system tree ?
> thanks

I wouldn't worry about this. Be better to find out what is wrong. It is 
unclear exactly what you are trying to achieve, so I'll try some crystal-
ball gazing. Going from 8.1 to HEAD might actually be broken at any one 
given point in time. Not always, but the possibility exists. If you are dead 
set on this, read the -CURRENT list for hints on breakage.

If you are trying to set up a server for use in some form of stable 
environment I would suggest not using -CURRENT, but rather consider the 
security branch of either 8.1-RELEASE or 8.2-RELEASE. The csup tags are 
RELENG_8_1 and RELENG_8_2 respectively.  Example supfile:

*default host=cvsup.nl.freebsd.org
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_8_2
*default delete use-rel-suffix compress

Then cd to /usr/obj and do rm -rf *. This will remove leftovers of previous 
failed build attempts. Once this is cleaned up and you have the correct 
source (such as 8.2-RELEASE security branch), then just cd /usr/src and kick 
off the dance with a make buildworld. 

I just updated 9 machines from 8.2 to the 8.2 security branch and 
experienced zero trouble. I can't speak to whether -CURRENT will build, as 
my boxen are for production use and not for development work. If you 
continue to have a problem trying to update to RELENG_8_2 you are doing 
something wrong.


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