Home firewall with DLink router & FreeBSD

Bill Tillman btillman99 at yahoo.com
Fri May 6 11:23:52 UTC 2011

Please excuse me. I typed my reply below all the existing text but somehow it 
ended up being formatted into the middle of this one. Can someone give me the 
tip for insuring I don't top post and that my reply ends up at the bottom of the 

From: Bill Tillman <btillman99 at yahoo.com>
To: Leonardo M. Ramé <martinrame at yahoo.com>; questions at freebsd.org
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 6:53:56 AM
Subject: Re: Home firewall with DLink router & FreeBSD


From: Leonardo M. Ramé <martinrame at yahoo.com>
To: questions at freebsd.org
Sent: Thu, May 5, 2011 3:44:36 PM
Subject: Home firewall with DLink router & FreeBSD

The short answer is a definite yes, but you will need two NIC's in the FreeBSD 
server. I have a FreeBSD server which runs diskless and it acts as my router 
right behind the cable modem. All networks in my home including the wireless one 

uses this machine as it's route to the Internet. It runs IPFW2 as the firewall. 
It also does some port forwarding from my Asterisk PBX and webserver which are 
running on other FreeBSD servers inside my LAN.

There is excellent information in the FreeBSD handbook on how to setup a FreeBSD 

server as a gateway/router. Check it out.

Hi, at home I have a DLink Dir 300 router to provide internet access for my home 

network. The network is composed by two Windows PCs, one Linux laptop and one 
FreeBSD server we use mainly for storage and as web/database server.

I must add, the server only have one network card.

I would like to know if its possible to use the FreeBSD server as a Firewall for 

the whole network, securing LAN and WiFi connections. If this can be done, then 
how? could you point me to some howto?.

Thanks in advance,
Leonardo M. Ramé
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