about ulpt speed

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Fri May 6 01:17:33 UTC 2011

On Fri, 6 May 2011, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

> we recently bought kyocera 2020D printer. There are USB and LAN versions. We 
> got cheaper USB as it is connected 1 meter from server anyway.
> But seems there are some problems with USB
> ulpt seems to work fine, device is connected at 480Mbps
> but 2 page 5 megabyte postscript file is transmitted 10-15 seconds.
> On Kyocera 3900DN which have EXACTLY same internal processor, same amount of 
> RAM, but LAN interface and even similar printing mechanism and nearly same 
> look - same file is accepted below one second to printer and soon it is 
> printing it.
> Larger postscript files are transmitted longer.
> I am not sure but seems it is not printer problem. Any ideas what to 
> check/change in ulpt?

It's worth trying unlpt.  But if the sending time is proportional to the 
file size, it's probably not that.

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