
Eduardo nec556 at retena.com
Thu Mar 31 16:05:00 UTC 2011

At 17:19 31/03/2011, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> > >What is FreeBSD c compiler?
> > >Isn't it GCC?
> >
> > Now yes, but FreeBSD needs an iso c'99 compiler and source code is
> > iso oriented, not gcc, afaik gcc hacks and code that only compiles on
> > gcc can't be commited, there's a mailing list for iso99 compatibility
> > checks. gcc is one of them, but there are others. 9.0-CURRENT uses
> > llvm but in theory you can use anyone, even tcc.
>Are you saying GCC doesn't comply with ISO standard(s)?

Gcc comply with ISO standard, but has extended it and permits that 
many developers use that extensions, making the code gcc biased and 
not iso standard. Some open source projects develops using those 
hacks (like ffmpeg and libavcodec projects) and explicity says that 
source code must be compiled with gcc, if you use other compiler, it 
must be gcc compatible.

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