Opinion on using AMD Phenom II x6 1090t with Gigabyte 890BPA-UD3H and 8GB DDR-3 as a WebServer.

C. P. Ghost cpghost at cordula.ws
Thu Jun 30 16:06:23 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 4:53 PM, eculp <eculp at encontacto.net> wrote:
> Quoting "C. P. Ghost" <cpghost at cordula.ws>:
>> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Gary Gatten <Ggatten at waddell.com> wrote:
>>> Of course it depends on your apps, but unless you're doing some HUGE
>>> number of connections, or your apps are .... "not good", this will be MORE
>>> than enough RAM and CPU.
>>> (...)
>>> Maybe turn this into a virtual host and make some use of that hardware,
>>> or just be happy using it at 5% capacity.
>> ... or run some instances of Plone on it. Should be enough to keep it
>> busy and out of the idle thread even at moderate traffic. ;-)
> I agree but somehow my extra resources (memory, disk, cpu, etc.) always seem
> to find sponges in a short period of time.  This may be the exception.

It's certainly no exception. Programs tend to expand over time,
and when they expand, they tend to use up more time as well.

Since space and time complexity of programs are closely linked
to and bounded by each other, a corollary to Murphy's Law:
  "Any given program will expand to fill all the available memory."
is, of course,
  "Any given program will expand to use up all available CPU cycles."

I'm half-joking though. Anyway, I'm sure you'll put that new machine
to great use!

> thanks
> ed


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