How much memory does ZFS use?

Gary Gatten Ggatten at
Sat Aug 20 18:45:44 UTC 2011

Zfs isn't a typical daemon/process. That's like saying databased is a memory hog cause it needs a lot of ram for caching.

Zfs ram requirements will depend on your file system i/o load, types/sizes of files, types and rates of file system ops, etc.  512MB may be fine, or you may need 4GB for optimum performance.

----- Original Message -----
From: Yuri [mailto:yuri at]
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 01:38 PM
To: FreeBSD Questions <freebsd-questions at>
Subject: How much memory does ZFS use?

Someone told me that ZFS is a memory hog and it should be avoided as such.
Is this true?
How can I understand how much memory particular kernel module consumes?
In Solaris there is mdb for that, what is an equivalent in FreeBSD?

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