graphical representation of `du`
Peter Vereshagin
peter at
Wed Apr 6 19:52:32 UTC 2011
Nobody knows that you're in for that, freebsd-questions!
2011/04/06 20:34:42 +0100 Chris Rees <utisoft at> => To Peter Vereshagin :
CR> > Again, why don't you guys just use perl to provide a graphical du? I believe
CR> > perl is just present on every freebsd machine where graphical du is needed.
CR> Why on Earth would you use Perl when a simple awk script will do???
I personally find Perl more usable.
73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB 12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627)
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