swap_pager: out of swap space, swap_pager_getswapspace(16): failed

Paul Chany csanyipal at stcable.net
Mon Apr 4 19:59:47 UTC 2011

2011-04-04 21:01 keltezéssel, Chuck Swiger írta:
> On Apr 4, 2011, at 11:56 AM, Paul Chany wrote:
>> swap_pager: out of swap space
>> swap_pager_getswapspace(16): failed
>> ..
>> c++: Internal error: Killed: 9 (program cc1plus)
>> ..
>> ..
>> *** Error code 1
>> What can I do to solve this problem
> Your system ran out of VM.  Add more RAM, or add more swapspace, or consider "top -o size" and kill off anything huge.  Also, compiling with -O0 or -O instead of the default -O2 will reduce the size of the compiler process significantly.
> Regards,
I follow the link: 

I did create a swapfile, and run again command: '# make install clean'.
Since thet it being running on my old Toshiba laptop that had 64 MB RAM 
and 16 MB swap space but with swapfile it has much more VM.



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