Port dependencies

Gary Kline kline at thought.org
Sun Apr 3 06:37:22 UTC 2011

On Sat, Apr 02, 2011 at 08:07:25PM -0700, Chris Telting wrote:
> >	seriously, this is why i want that debian+freebsd that was
> >	discussed recently.  the kernel is ours and number one in the
> >	world.  and the ports stuff is basically packages that more/less
> >	just-work.  you can get the src =with= the pkg.
> >
> How does debian get around all the "make config" options that we
> deal with?  Such as does such and such package pull in samba...  Or
> does debian just compile with every option more or less enabled?
> Chris

	not sure about setting the options for a particular port, but i
	think you can build it with various flags set when you pull down
	the src.  at any rate, since most drives are HUGE these days,
	enabling all/most options doesn't eat up that great a percent of
	the disk.  and yeah, that's just my guess.

	note that i've been using freebsd since '95 and linux since '05.

 Gary Kline  kline at thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
           Journey Toward the Dawn, E-Book: http://www.thought.org
          The 7.98a release of Jottings: http://jottings.thought.org

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