Port dependencies

Dick Hoogendijk dick at nagual.nl
Sat Apr 2 09:32:16 UTC 2011

On 2-4-2011 2:51, Polytropon wrote:
> So there is still stuff one needs to compile, and
> YOU are in charge to define the options you need.
> This is the "downside" when you're running a multi-
> purpose OS like FreeBSD.

That is a good thing. But I remember an issue that I never understood. I 
onced set up a system as a mail and webserver and used packages for 
this. Fast and easy I thought and good enough. But although 
lamp/famp/samp is very common I could not install apache WITH php 
support. Why? Because php has no support for apache compiled in the 
precompiled package (it might have been the other way around; not quite 
sure). Anyway, apache+php could not be installed from packages. I had to 
compile them from ports. I hated that and could not understand why a so 
common setting is not on by default.

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