Like it or not, Theo is having a good laugh ..

Henry Olyer henry.olyer at
Sat Oct 9 13:00:18 UTC 2010

I'm not sure which writer said it, but whoever it is who started that
paragraph with "Kinda wish you..." you sir are the problem.  Not just a
problem for us FreeBSDer's, but also for American's.

You probably don't see yourself that way.  I understand that.  But what you
are doing is surrilous.  That's when instead of making the points underlying
your position you resort to name calling and bad mouthing.

Disagree?  Well, re-read what you wrote.  See what I mean?

So stop.

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 1:16 AM, Rob Farmer <rfarmer at> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 21:47, Jarrod Slick < at> wrote:
> > @rob,
> >
> > Kinda wish you would make a video wherein you read your above statement
> from
> > a teleprompter with a green-screened American flag billowing in the
> > background.  You might want to add in a statement about your deep respect
> > and admiration for the troops, though.  To add in even more of that good
> ol'
> > fashioned American [self-]righteousness you could even, in a senseless
> spat
> > of litigiousness, DMCA yourself and have the video removed from whatever
> > third-party site you decide to post it on.
> >
> > Oh, and disclaimer . . . I'm an American.
> >
> > Anyhow, I'll go back to lurking.
> >
> You can imply that I'm a nationalistic jackass all you like, but the
> fact still remains that nobody has presented an argument (well
> reasoned and coherent or otherwise) for why FreeBSD wouldn't be
> subject to the EAR or why changing the license for this code would
> make one bit of difference (beyond public relations).
> --
> Rob Farmer
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