foo; no such thing as a "dual-nic" atom firewall

Arthur Chance freebsd at
Thu Nov 25 12:48:49 UTC 2010

On 11/25/10 03:01, Gary Kline wrote:
> Folks (mostly Adam),
> Hang on a sec.  I think I misread what my friend said.
> Following is a snip of what he said was good; that this was among
> the stuff he installed a few years back and now was much better::
>> ALIX.2D13 system board - $115
>> CompactFlash card 4GB SLC - $20
>> Enclosure - $9
>> AC adapter - $13
> Is this the same board and so forth that Arthur pointed me at below?
> My friend's name is Noah; what he saw was that the boad was not in
> stock and that it would not be restocked until 20dec.   Because the
> 15th is better for Noah to drive down, I would like to have the
> stuff here when it's best for him.   Figure ther have to be other
> vendors that sell this.

OK, I'm in the UK as are these people I buy from, but they do prices in 
dollars as well as pounds and euros, and will ship to the US. They don't 
have a 2d13 at the moment but do have 2d3s in stock (the 2d13 has a 
battery and RTC extra, that's all).

They've got enclosures, but the power supplies are european plugs. 
However, they are universal (100-250V), so an EU->US adapter would work. 
I use a SanDisk CF card in mine, and the pfSense install worked like a 
dream. The only wrinkle is remembering to change the serial line speed 
from 19200 to 9600 baud before installing pfSense, as the serial 
bootloader likes 9600.

I'd recommend getting "pfSense: The Definite Guide" as well

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