Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

Tom Worster fsb at thefsb.org
Fri Nov 12 22:15:47 UTC 2010

On 11/12/10 2:29 PM, "Jerry McAllister" <jerrymc at msu.edu> wrote:

>Lots of people see FreeBSD and the web site and the mascott, etc for
>the first time probably each day.    Some of them will have the same
>mistaken idea since the misunderstanding of it is implanted in people's
>heads from an early age.    Although you may get tired of hearing that
>same old argument again and again, I do, it does not automatically make a
>person a troll if they ask the question.


It is inconsiderate and lazy to ask someone else to answer a question
without making any effort to answer it yourself first. The misdeed is
multiplied when the culprit asks hundreds of people in a discussion group
such as this. That's why it is often considered a violation of etiquette.
The fact that lmgtfy.com and 'RTFM' are both well know suggests that this
is not a fringe opinion.

>The intelligent thing is to give a reasonable answer and point the person
>to some web pages where they can become informed and then ignore it.

I would describe that as the indulgent thing, not the intelligent thing.

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