upgrading squeezeboxserver

George Hartzell hartzell at alerce.com
Sun May 30 22:07:06 UTC 2010

Vincent Zee writes:
 > Hi,
 > I recently upgraded to the newest version of audio/squeezeboxserver.
 > After the update the server is unable to rescan my music collection.
 > Does anyone else encountered this problem?
 > How can I revert to the previous version of squeezeboxserver
 > (I'm using Portmaster to upgrade my ports)?

I had this problem and managed to work around it.

I haven't had time to track it down enough to file a bug though.

My fix was to downgrade p5-DBIx-Class to version 08120.

There's probably a proper way to do this thing, but what I ended up
doing was downgrading the port's distinfo file, replacing its contents
with the following three lines:

  MD5 (DBIx-Class-0.08120.tar.gz) = ebed5ed315618e783ac048767aed90a5
  SHA256 (DBIx-Class-0.08120.tar.gz) = c97af692cbbf9779457e669b52d117b3b174aac3826d4af20da7f26e5aabe479
  SIZE (DBIx-Class-0.08120.tar.gz) = 513806

grabbed from r47 found here:


and changing the PORTVERSION in the Makefile to 0.08120.

Then did a make, a make deinstall and a make install.

There was probably a make makesum in there too.

Let me know if you need more details suggestions.


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