portsnap and portupgrade question

Coert lgroups at waagmeester.co.za
Thu May 27 06:23:37 UTC 2010

Hello all,

Thanks for the awesome OS!
I am a Linux user and I just started using FreeBSD. It is awesome, and 
the Handbook as well!

I am following Chapter 24 of the Handbook to update my system.

First I completed the freebsd-update
Then I ran portupgrade -av
Then I ran portsnap.

When I decided what to make PACKAGESITE I picked 8.0-RELEASE (not STABLE 
or CURRENT). I also mirrored the entire 20GB i386 8.0-RELEASE package 
set. I live in South-Africa and my ADSL is slow and expensive, so having 
the whole collection locally 'helps' :)

Now here is my question.
After I ran portsnap fetch extract, I ran portupgrade and got quite a 
fright. What does portsnap want to download? 8.0-RELEASE or STABLE?
I did not mirror the ports because that would be really big, so it will 
cost me a lot of time to upgrade with portupgrade.

Is there a way to do this with the binary packages instead? Or am I 
doing something wrong?

Any pointers for this n00b would be greatly appreciated!


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