Problem compiling lsof

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Tue May 25 01:54:21 UTC 2010

Arthur Barlow <arthurbarlow at> writes:

> Sorry about the false start. Fat fingers.  I'm trying to compile the lsof
> program in FreeBSD 8.0 on an i686 machine.  There is a error referencing
> "dlsof.h" and it looks like there is an ugly "hack" in the header file.  Any
> suggestions, besides playing with the code?

As of a few minutes ago, it built just fine on my i386 build system with
the latest ports.  If you want help diagnosing your issue, you will need
to be much more specific about what happens on your particular system,
so we can figure out how it differs from a normal system.

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