phpmyadmin & apache22

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Fri May 21 12:28:00 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 21/05/2010 12:39:44, Fbsd1 wrote:
> Tried 'make install' on phpmyadmin port and got not found errors on
> php5-filter, php5-session, php5-ctype, php5-mysql all of which were all
> ready installed by pkg_add. Pkg_info verifies that they are there. And
> of course I have compiled php5 with the apache module. I have apache13 &
> phpmyadmin installed on another box using the same method and it works
> fine. Does phpmyadmin work with apache22?

It certainly does work with apache22.  Your problem is with your PHP
installation rather than any of the other components mentioned.  It
sounds as if you've got some php modules that don't match the version of
the main php interpreter / apache module.  What does
'pkg_info -Ix php' return?

> Also why does the phpmyadmin pkg use the pdflib when there has never
> been a pdflib package built because of requirement of not distributing
> pdf executable module. All the make config defaults should be changed to
> off so the pkg is usable.

If you don't want phpMyAdmin to have its full capabilities enabled, then
use the OPTIONS mechanism in the port to turn off the bits you don't
want.  Or define 'WITHOUT_PHP_DEPENDS' in /etc/make.conf which lets you
install phpMyAdmin without *any* dependency on PHP.  As the process of
installing phpMyAdmin consists almost entirely of copying php files into
place, there's no real advantage to using a pkg over using the port or
vice versa.


- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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